The Cicada Lifecycle: How Long Do Cicadas Live?

Hello there! Have you ever wondered about the fascinating world of cicadas and their lifecycle? In this informational post meant to educate, we will explore how long cicadas can live. From their underground nymph stage to their brief and vibrant adult life, cicadas have a unique and intriguing lifecycle that we will delve into. Stay tuned to learn more about these buzzing creatures and their lifespan.

The Cicada Lifecycle: How Long Do Cicadas Live?

Have you ever wondered about the fascinating lifecycle of cicadas and how long these intriguing insects live? In this article, we will delve into the different stages of the cicada lifecycle and explore their lifespan in detail. Join us as we uncover the secrets of these mysterious creatures that emerge periodically to captivate us with their choruses. Let’s jump right in!

The Lifespan of Cicadas

Cicadas have a unique and interesting lifecycle that sets them apart from other insects. These creatures go through several distinct stages of development before reaching adulthood. The length of their lifespan varies depending on the species of cicada and the environmental conditions they are exposed to.

Cicadas can live anywhere from a few weeks to several years, depending on their species. Some species have shorter lifespans of only a few weeks as adults, while others can live up to 17 years underground before emerging. Let’s explore the different stages of the cicada lifecycle to better understand how long these fascinating insects live.

Egg Stage

The lifecycle of a cicada begins when a female lays her eggs in the bark of tree branches. The eggs are deposited into the grooves made by the female’s ovipositor, which she uses to pierce the bark. The eggs hatch after a period of time, typically around 6 to 10 weeks, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

See also  What Are Cicadas? An Introduction To These Fascinating Insects

During the egg stage, the young nymphs are vulnerable to predators and environmental factors. They rely on the protection provided by the eggshells and the surrounding bark until they are ready to emerge as nymphs and begin their journey underground.

Nymph Stage

After hatching, the cicada nymphs drop from the tree branches to the ground below. They then burrow into the soil, where they will spend the next several years feeding on the sap from tree roots. This stage of the cicada lifecycle can last anywhere from 2 to 17 years, depending on the species.

As the nymphs grow and develop underground, they go through several molts, shedding their exoskeletons as they outgrow them. These molting stages are essential for their growth and development, allowing them to mature into adults capable of emerging from the ground.

Adult Stage

After spending years underground, the cicada nymphs are finally ready to emerge as adults. They crawl out of the ground and find a safe place to molt into their adult form. Once they have shed their exoskeletons for the final time, the adult cicadas are free to spread their wings and take flight.

As adults, cicadas have a relatively short lifespan compared to their time spent underground. Depending on the species, adult cicadas can live anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. During this time, they will mate, lay eggs, and eventually die, completing the cycle of life for their species.

Factors Affecting Cicada Lifespan

Several factors can influence the lifespan of cicadas, including environmental conditions, predators, and even human activity. Understanding these factors can help us appreciate the precarious balance that cicadas must maintain to survive and thrive in their natural habitats.

Environmental Conditions

The environment plays a crucial role in determining how long cicadas live. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and food availability can all impact the lifespan of these insects. Cicadas require specific conditions to thrive, and changes in their environment can have a significant effect on their survival.

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For example, periods of drought can reduce the availability of tree sap for cicada nymphs, leading to decreased survival rates. Conversely, wetter conditions can create ideal breeding grounds for cicadas, allowing them to reproduce and thrive. By understanding how environmental conditions affect cicadas, we can better appreciate the challenges they face in the wild.


Predators are another key factor that can influence the lifespan of cicadas. Birds, rodents, and even other insects prey on cicadas at various stages of their lifecycle, reducing their numbers and impacting their overall population. Cicadas have evolved several defense mechanisms to protect themselves from predators, including camouflage, loud calls, and toxic chemicals.

Despite these adaptations, cicadas remain vulnerable to predation, especially during their adult stage when they are most exposed. By studying the interactions between cicadas and their predators, researchers can gain valuable insights into the complex relationships that exist within ecosystems and how they impact the lifespan of these fascinating insects.

Human Activity

Human activity can also have a significant impact on the lifespan of cicadas. Deforestation, urbanization, and pollution can all disrupt the natural habitats of cicadas, making it challenging for them to survive and reproduce. In some cases, human intervention, such as the use of pesticides, can directly harm cicadas and reduce their populations.

By understanding the ways in which human activity affects cicadas, we can take steps to protect these insects and ensure their continued existence in the wild. Conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and public awareness campaigns all play a crucial role in safeguarding the future of cicadas and other species that share their ecosystems.


Now that you have a better understanding of the cicada lifecycle and how long these fascinating insects live, you can appreciate the intricate web of factors that influence their survival. From the egg stage to the adult stage, cicadas go through a remarkable transformation that allows them to thrive in diverse environments and captivate us with their unique behaviors.

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Next time you hear the unmistakable buzz of cicadas in the trees, take a moment to marvel at the incredible journey these insects have undergone to reach adulthood. Their resilience, adaptability, and endurance make them a symbol of nature’s wonders and a testament to the beauty of the world around us. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of the cicada lifecycle, and may you continue to be inspired by the mysteries of the natural world.