Indoor Cicadas: Can They Survive Inside Your Home?

Welcome to the informative article all about indoor cicadas! Have you ever wondered if these buzzing insects can survive inside your home? Well, you’re in the right place to find out. This post will provide you with all the important details you need to know about indoor cicadas and their potential impact on your living space. Let’s dive in and learn more about these fascinating creatures! Have you ever heard the loud buzzing and chirping sounds of cicadas during the summer months? These fascinating insects are known for their loud calls and unique life cycles. But what happens if you find a cicada inside your home? Can they survive indoors? Let’s explore the world of indoor cicadas and find out how you can help them thrive if they end up inside your house.

Understanding Cicadas

Cicadas are insects that belong to the order Hemiptera, which also includes aphids and leafhoppers. These fascinating creatures are known for their loud calls, which are created by vibrating membranes on their abdomens. There are over 3,000 species of cicadas worldwide, with different species emerging at various times throughout the year.

Cicadas spend the majority of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding on plant roots. After several years (depending on the species), they emerge from the ground as adults. Adult cicadas have transparent wings, large eyes, and can be anywhere from half an inch to two inches in length.

The Life Cycle of Cicadas

The life cycle of cicadas is truly remarkable. After emerging from the ground, adult cicadas live for only a few weeks to mate, lay eggs, and then die. The eggs are laid in tree branches, and once they hatch, the young nymphs fall to the ground and burrow into the soil to begin the cycle anew.

Can Indoor Cicadas Survive?

If you find a cicada inside your home, you may wonder if they can survive in this new environment. While indoor conditions are not ideal for cicadas, they can survive for a short period of time if provided with the proper care.

Challenges of Indoor Environments

Indoor environments pose several challenges for cicadas, including lack of food and the inability to mate and reproduce. Cicadas feed on plant sap, so without access to plants, they may struggle to find nourishment indoors. Additionally, the mating calls of male cicadas are essential for attracting females, a behavior that is disrupted by being indoors.

How to Help Indoor Cicadas

If you find a cicada inside your home, there are steps you can take to help them survive. Providing a source of water, such as a small dish with a wet sponge, can help keep them hydrated. You can also offer them small pieces of fruit or leafy greens to mimic their natural diet.

Creating a Temporary Home for Indoor Cicadas

To ensure that indoor cicadas have the best chance of survival, you can create a temporary home for them while they are inside your house. This will provide them with the necessary food and hydration to thrive until you can safely release them back into their natural environment.

Materials Needed

To create a temporary home for indoor cicadas, you will need the following materials:

  • A small container with a lid
  • Paper towels
  • Water
  • Fruit or leafy greens

Steps to Create a Temporary Home

  1. Line the bottom of the container with a damp paper towel to provide humidity.
  2. Place a small dish of water inside the container for hydration.
  3. Add small pieces of fruit or leafy greens for food.
  4. Secure the lid on the container to prevent the cicadas from escaping.

By following these steps, you can help indoor cicadas survive and thrive until you can safely release them back into their natural habitat.

Releasing Indoor Cicadas

Once you have provided care for indoor cicadas, it is essential to release them back into their natural environment as soon as possible. While indoor conditions may sustain them for a short period, cicadas are best suited for life outdoors.

Steps for Release

  1. Choose a location that is close to trees or shrubs, as these are the natural habitats of cicadas.
  2. Open the container in the chosen location and gently coax the cicadas out.
  3. Allow the cicadas to fly away freely into the surrounding foliage.

By releasing indoor cicadas back into their natural environment, you are giving them the best chance at survival and allowing them to fulfill their natural life cycle.

Preventing Indoor Cicadas

While it is possible for cicadas to find their way inside your home, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening in the future. By understanding their behaviors and habitats, you can create an environment that is less appealing to these insects.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for any potential entry points, such as cracks in windows or gaps around doors. Sealing these openings can help prevent cicadas and other insects from finding their way indoors.

Use Screens

Installing screens on windows and doors can act as a barrier to cicadas and other insects, keeping them outside where they belong.

Maintain Vegetation

Cicadas are attracted to trees and shrubs, where they lay their eggs and feed on plant sap. By maintaining vegetation around your home, you can reduce the likelihood of cicadas venturing indoors.

By taking these preventative measures, you can minimize the chances of indoor cicadas making an appearance in your home.


In conclusion, while indoor cicadas may face challenges in surviving inside your home, with proper care and attention, you can help them thrive until they can be safely released back into their natural environment. By understanding the unique life cycle of these insects and taking steps to provide for their needs, you can ensure that indoor cicadas have the best chance at survival. Remember, cicadas are an essential part of our ecosystem, and by respecting their presence, you are contributing to the biodiversity of our environment. Thank you for learning more about indoor cicadas and how you can assist these fascinating creatures.