Cicadas And Rain: What Happens During Wet Weather?

Welcome to a fascinating exploration of cicadas and their behavior during wet weather! In this informational post meant to educate, you will discover the intriguing ways in which these insects interact with rain and how their activities change during periods of wet weather. From their unique sounds to their behavior patterns, learn more about cicadas and rain in this captivating article.

Cicadas And Rain: What Happens During Wet Weather?

Have you ever wondered what happens to cicadas when it rains? Do they hide or continue their usual activities? In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating behavior of cicadas during wet weather and how it impacts their life cycle.

How Cicadas React to Rain

When it starts to rain, most insects seek shelter to avoid getting wet. However, cicadas have a unique response to rain that sets them apart from other insects. Instead of hiding, cicadas actually become more active during wet weather.

Why Do Cicadas Become More Active in the Rain?

Cicadas are known for their distinctive buzzing sound, which is produced by the males to attract females for mating. During rainy weather, the noise of falling raindrops can drown out the sound of cicadas. As a result, cicadas become more active to compensate for the loss of communication caused by the rain.

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How Do Cicadas Cope with Wet Conditions?

Cicadas are well-adapted to wet conditions, as their exoskeleton is impermeable to water. This means that they can withstand rainy weather without getting soaked. Additionally, cicadas have special adaptations that allow them to cling to surfaces even when it’s wet, such as tree branches or leaves.

Impact of Rain on Cicada Life Cycle

Rain can have a significant impact on the life cycle of cicadas, especially during the nymph stage when they are developing underground.

Nymphs Emergence

When it rains, the ground becomes softer, making it easier for cicada nymphs to emerge from the soil. The moisture also helps soften the protective shell of the nymph, making it easier for them to break free and climb to the surface.


Rainfall can impact the mating behavior of adult cicadas. The noise of raindrops can interfere with the males’ courtship songs, making it harder for them to attract females. However, the increased activity of cicadas during wet weather can also lead to more mating opportunities.

Cicadas and Rainfall Patterns

Cicadas are highly sensitive to environmental cues, including rainfall patterns. Here’s how different types of rainfall can impact the behavior and life cycle of cicadas.

Light Rain

During light rain showers, cicadas may continue their activities as usual, with minimal disruption to their behavior. The noise of raindrops may not be loud enough to interfere with their communication, allowing them to carry on with their usual routines.

Heavy Rain

Heavy rain can have a more significant impact on cicadas, as the noise of raindrops can drown out the sounds of their buzzing. In response, cicadas may become even more active in an attempt to compensate for the loss of communication.

Prolonged Rainfall

Prolonged rainfall can lead to flooding, which can be detrimental to cicadas. Excessive water can drown nymphs underground or wash away eggs laid by adult cicadas. This can disrupt their life cycle and impact their population numbers.

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Benefits of Rain for Cicadas

While rain can pose challenges for cicadas, it also offers some benefits that are essential for their survival and reproduction.


Rain provides much-needed moisture for cicadas, especially during the dry summer months when water sources may be scarce. This moisture is essential for the development of nymphs underground and the growth of trees and other plants that cicadas depend on for food.

Softening Soil

Soft, moist soil makes it easier for cicada nymphs to emerge from the ground during the final stage of their development. Without adequate moisture, nymphs may struggle to break through the hard soil, delaying their emergence or even causing them to perish underground.

Food Source

Rainfall can stimulate plant growth, providing a plentiful food source for adult cicadas. Trees and shrubs thrive after a good rain, producing an abundance of leaves and sap that cicadas feed on during their short adult lifespan.

The Role of Rain in Cicada Populations

Rainfall plays a crucial role in determining the population numbers of cicadas in a given area. Here’s how rain can impact the abundance of cicadas and influence their life cycle.

Wet vs. Dry Years

In wet years, cicadas tend to thrive due to the increased moisture and food availability. Nymphs may have higher survival rates, leading to larger populations of emerging adults. Conversely, dry years can be challenging for cicadas, as drought conditions can reduce food sources and hinder their development.

Flood Impacts

Flooding caused by heavy rainfall can have devastating effects on cicadas. Nymphs underground may drown, and eggs laid by adult cicadas may be washed away, leading to a decline in population numbers. Flood events can disrupt the cicada life cycle and have long-term repercussions on their population dynamics.

Rainfall Predictions

Studying rainfall patterns can help scientists predict cicada population cycles and emergence timings. By monitoring weather conditions and moisture levels, researchers can forecast when and where cicadas are likely to emerge, providing valuable insights into their behavior and population dynamics.

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How to Help Cicadas During Wet Weather

If you’re a cicada enthusiast or want to support these fascinating insects during wet weather, here are a few tips on how you can help cicadas thrive despite rainy conditions.

Provide Shelter

You can create shelters for cicadas to take refuge during heavy rain showers. Simple structures made of cardboard, plastic, or natural materials can protect cicadas from getting drenched and help them stay dry until the rain subsides.

Plant Trees

Planting trees and shrubs in your yard or community can provide food and habitat for cicadas. Trees are essential for cicadas, as they feed on their leaves and sap during the adult stage of their life cycle. By planting native trees, you can create a welcoming environment for cicadas and other wildlife.

Reduce Pesticide Use

Avoid using pesticides and harmful chemicals in your yard or garden, as these can harm cicadas and other beneficial insects. Pesticides can contaminate water sources and kill off essential food plants for cicadas, disrupting their life cycle and population numbers.

Support Conservation Efforts

Get involved in local conservation initiatives that focus on protecting cicadas and their habitats. By supporting conservation efforts and raising awareness about the importance of cicadas in the ecosystem, you can help ensure their survival for future generations.


In conclusion, cicadas have a unique relationship with rain that influences their behavior, life cycle, and population dynamics. Despite the challenges posed by wet weather, cicadas are well-adapted to thrive in various environmental conditions. By understanding the impact of rain on cicadas and taking steps to support these amazing insects, we can help ensure their survival and biodiversity in our ecosystems. So next time it rains, take a moment to appreciate the resilience and beauty of cicadas as they continue their fascinating life cycle amidst the falling raindrops.