Cicadas And Human Activities: How These Insects Affect Us

Welcome to a fascinating exploration of the relationship between cicadas and human activities. In this article, you will learn about the impacts these buzzing insects have on our daily lives. From their loud mating calls to their role in the ecosystem, cicadas play a significant role in shaping our world. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enlightened about the intriguing ways in which these insects affect us.

Cicadas And Human Activities: How These Insects Affect Us

Have you ever wondered how cicadas, those loud insects that emerge en masse every few years, actually impact human activities? In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of cicadas and how they interact with our daily lives.

An Introduction to Cicadas

Cicadas are large insects known for their loud buzzing and whirring sounds. These creatures belong to the superfamily Cicadoidea and are commonly found in temperate to tropical climates around the world. There are over 3,000 species of cicadas, with the most well-known being the periodical cicadas that emerge in large numbers every 13 to 17 years.

Cicadas have a unique life cycle that involves spending years underground as nymphs before emerging as adults. They are known for their loud calls, which are produced by specialized structures on their abdomen called tymbals. These calls are used to attract mates and can be heard from long distances.

See also  What Are Cicadas? An Introduction To These Fascinating Insects

Why do Cicadas Emerge in Such Large Numbers?

Cicadas are famous for their mass emergences, with thousands of individuals appearing at once. This phenomenon is thought to have evolved as a survival strategy. By emerging in large numbers, cicadas overwhelm predators with sheer numbers, ensuring that enough of them will survive to reproduce.

The Impact of Cicadas on Plants

One of the ways cicadas affect human activities is through their feeding habits. As nymphs underground, cicadas feed on the sap of plant roots, which can lead to damage or even death of young trees and shrubs. Additionally, adult cicadas feed on the sap of trees, which can cause wilting and other stress-related symptoms in plants.

If you have a garden or landscaping that includes young trees or shrubs, it’s essential to be aware of the potential damage cicadas can cause. Taking preventive measures, such as covering plants with netting or using insecticides, can help protect your vegetation during a cicada emergence.

How Cicadas Impact Agriculture

In addition to their effects on ornamental plants and trees, cicadas can also impact agricultural crops. Fruit trees, such as apples, cherries, and peaches, are particularly vulnerable to cicada damage. Adult cicadas can lay their eggs in the tender new growth of these trees, causing dieback and reduced yields.

Strategies for Protecting Crops from Cicadas

Farmers and orchardists have developed various strategies to protect their crops from cicada damage. One common method is to cover trees with fine mesh netting to prevent cicadas from laying eggs. In some cases, insecticides may be used to control cicada populations, although this approach is not always effective and can have negative impacts on the environment.

Another strategy is to plant trap crops that attract cicadas away from valuable crops. By providing an alternative food source, farmers can reduce the damage caused by cicadas to their primary crops.

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The Economic Impact of Cicadas on Agriculture

The damage caused by cicadas to agricultural crops can have significant economic consequences. In areas with high cicada populations, farmers may experience reduced yields and lower-quality fruit, leading to financial losses. Additionally, the costs of implementing control measures, such as netting and insecticides, can further impact the profitability of farming operations.

If you live in an area prone to cicada emergences, it’s essential to be aware of how these insects can affect local agriculture. Supporting local farmers and orchardists during cicada outbreaks can help mitigate the economic impact of these insects on the community.

The Environmental Impact of Cicadas

While cicadas can be a nuisance for humans, they play a vital role in the ecosystem. Cicadas are an important food source for birds, mammals, and other insects, helping to support diverse wildlife populations. In addition, the feeding habits of cicadas can benefit forest ecosystems by promoting nutrient cycling and soil aeration.

Cicadas as Indicators of Ecosystem Health

The presence of cicadas can be an indicator of the health of an ecosystem. Healthy forests and woodlands that provide suitable habitat for cicadas are more likely to support diverse plant and animal species. Monitoring cicada populations can help researchers assess the overall health of an ecosystem and identify areas in need of conservation efforts.

Conservation of Cicada Habitats

Conserving natural habitats that support cicada populations is essential for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, can threaten cicada populations and the wildlife that depend on them.

By supporting conservation efforts and advocating for the protection of natural habitats, you can help ensure that cicadas continue to play their vital role in the ecosystem. Planting native trees and shrubs in your yard or community can provide habitat for cicadas and other wildlife, contributing to the overall health of the environment.

See also  Cicada Habitats: Where Do Cicadas Live?

The Cultural Significance of Cicadas

Cicadas have long been a symbol of rebirth and transformation in many cultures around the world. In ancient China, cicadas were associated with immortality and spiritual enlightenment, while in ancient Greece, they were seen as symbols of resurrection and renewal.

Cicadas in Art and Literature

Throughout history, cicadas have been celebrated in art, literature, and music. Their distinctive calls and vibrant colors have inspired artists and writers to create works that capture the essence of these enigmatic creatures. From ancient myths to contemporary poetry, cicadas continue to captivate the human imagination.

Cicadas in Folklore and Mythology

In many cultures, cicadas are seen as symbols of endurance, perseverance, and the cyclical nature of life. Their ability to emerge from the ground after years of dormancy is often associated with themes of renewal and transformation. Cicadas have been featured in numerous myths and folklore tales, symbolizing resilience and the power of nature to overcome adversity.

Cicadas in Popular Culture

Cicadas have also made their mark in popular culture, appearing in films, TV shows, and literature as symbols of change and transformation. Their distinctive sound is often used to create atmosphere and mood in media, evoking feelings of nostalgia and mystery.


Cicadas are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in ecosystems around the world. While their emergences can be disruptive to human activities, it’s essential to recognize the importance of these insects in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. By understanding how cicadas interact with our environment, we can learn to coexist with these ancient creatures and appreciate the beauty they bring to the natural world.